Is Tackle Football Dangerous for Kids?

Parents looking to put their kids into tackle football often question the dangerous nature of the sport. While any collision/contact sport will have some unavoidable element of risk by its very nature, is it fair that tackle football has been pushed into a position where tackle football coaches constantly have to defend the safety of […]
Is My Child Ready for Tackle Football?

Knowing when your child is ready to play tackle football can be difficult. Many studies and ideas suggest that tackle football should start at a certain age, but if that doesn’t sound realistic to you, then you are certainly not alone. No parent wants to throw their child into tackle football too early without the […]
Which Is Better For Your Child: Tackle Or Flag Football?

You have many decisions to make when deciding to put your kid on a football team or in a football program. The first of those decisions is whether to put your child into tackle football or flag football (or both). It used to be that tackle football was the only real option for competitive play. […]
Off-season Workouts For Football Players

The football off-season isn’t a time for players to rest on their laurels. Sure, taking some time off at the end of the season is important for recovery and to reduce the risk of burnout, but developing (and sticking to) an off-season workout program will help your child progress to the next level of their […]
5 Qualities of a Good Sports Coach For Your Kids

If we are honest, there are plenty of youth coaches out there that are not qualified for the job. This makes sense, especially since many youth coaches coach at the level because their kids are playing the sport. A good youth coach, however, is worth his or her weight in gold. They will push your […]
Are You a Good Sports Parent?

Being a good sports parent can be hard. There are only so many hours in the day – both for you and your child – and it is often too easy to fall into bad habits when it comes to certain aspects of parenting. This is especially true regarding parenting in the sports arena, as […]
What Age Should My Child Start Tackle Football

The most significant debate surrounding tackle football in America rages around the age at which kids should be allowed to strap on the pads and play. It is a very understandable topic of discussion, given the popularity of football and the risks involved in playing the game. Those risks are factors at any age, but […]
What Do I Do If My Child Gets a Concussion?

There is no hiding the fact that concussions are scary. That fear is multiplied tenfold if it is your child that gets a concussion. Any type of head injury is one of a parent’s worst nightmares, but the first thing to remember in a situation like this is that most injuries of this nature are […]
How to Best Manage Your Kid’s Busy Sporting Schedule

Sports are good. In fact, sports are great. A 2020 study developed by the PCSFN Science Board noted that sports lead to better health (mentally, socially, and physically), better educational and career success, and lifelong participation that will benefit your kid not only now, but also far into the future. This is all great, and […]
Your Football Equipment Checklist: The Essentials

When starting off on a football journey for you or your child it is very important to know what equipment you need. Football equipment such as pads, cleats, and a helmet are there for safety and protection in what is a very physical game. This – plus using the correct tackle technique as we have […]