Young Athletes And Social Life

All teens face a variety of stressors, demands and pressures that are a normal and important part of their development. These pressures are increased for athletes who, in addition to balancing social and academic demands, are also balancing a rigorous training and competition schedule; working to develop healthy habits; and trying to ensure that they […]
Practicing Tackling Without Live Contact Situations’

Practicing Tackling without Live Contact Situations Tackling is a huge part of football, and I believe it’s not given enough focus. With injury rates – and especially concussions – an increasingly hot topic, there are ongoing efforts to make the game safer. One proposed way is decreasing the amount of time that athletes engage in […]
Foods To Have Before A Competition

Foods to Eat before a Competition Good nutrition is always important for growing kids, but the right nutrition is especially important before competition because it can help your child both perform better and recover faster. The right pre-workout meal will maximize performance while also minimizing muscle damage. So, one of the best ways you can […]
Sport Heroes

Sports Heroes One of the best ways to teach kids is through example. Whether you want to impart manners, sportsmanship or respect, modeling those characteristics can have a much bigger impact than any words or attempted lessons. Kids follow in the examples of adults around them and imitate the behavior of adults that they respect […]

The Importance of Neck Strengthening for Athletes Participating in Contact Sports Neck strengthening exercises are one of the most effective ways to prevent concussions in contact sports. These exercises, which should be incorporated for athletes of all ages and ability levels, can help to decrease the impact that contact has on the brain. As a […]

Tackle football is a popular sport among children and adolescents to help teach them the fundamentals of this traditional sport. Many parents worry about the risk of concussions from this sport. But with just 3 to 5-percent of youth suffering from concussions, some believe that the frequency of such injuries has been overestimated and the […]
The Importance Of Sleep For Quality Sports Performance

Sleep plays an important role in your physical, mental and emotional health. While you’re sleeping, your brain and body are working hard to prepare you for the next day, to support healthy brain function and to maintain your physical health. Among its many benefits, good sleep improves learning, focus and decision-making. While sleep is […]
Can Your Child Play Sports With Asthma And Allergies?

A question I get a lot from parents is: Can my child play sports with asthma? This concern usually peaks around this time of year as allergy season is upon us and can exacerbate asthma symptoms. It’s understandable that parents worry about their child’s health, but here’s the deal. The short answer…is yes. Your child […]
What To Do If Your Child Gets Injured On The Field

It can be a scary time when your child gets injured during an athletic event. You may be up in the stands feeling helpless while medical staff helps your child, or if there are no medical staff around, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Not to mention that both you and […]
Football Is Great, But Should Kids Play Multiple Sports?

When it comes time to choose a sport to play, your child may be overwhelmed with the many choices. They may have many reasons for considering different sports from their friends playing on a certain team to family history of playing a certain sport to some sports costing less than others to play. And some […]