Entitlement Of Kids And Teaching Respect To Children

Entitlement Of Kids And Teaching Respect To Children

How playing a sport  can help

Please and thank you seem to have become terms of the past. Children today, for the most part, seem to be short on manners and respect. In turn, this could set them down the road to becoming disrespectful adults unless steps are taken to reroute them. Teaching respect to children is vital to their development into productive teens and adults.

The psychology of respect

Respect is important to help kids interact appropriately with others, but also to teach them to treat themselves with respect too.  According to psychology experts, if a parent can’t earn a child’s respect, then the child will be less able to respect him or herself. This can lead to harmful behaviors such as smoking and drinking alcohol as well as teen sex and violence. However, if steps are taken to earn a child’s respect and instill respect in a child, then they will be more likely to engage in happy, stable relationships, honor any boundaries placed upon them, and will be more likely to respect others and follow your rules. And sports can help with that.

Teaching respect to children

How to teach a child respect and discipline is not an overnight event. It’s going to take a lot of patience and discipline on your part as a parent or guardian, but will hopefully be worth it over time. Here are some tips on how you can teach respect to children. Demand respect: When we come into this world, the desire of children to be independent can lead to entitlement if it isn’t reined in. Therefore, it’s your job as the parent or guardian to teach them when to say things like “please,” “thank you,” and “sorry.”   Many gentle reminders may need to be given, and consequences such as taking away their computer privileges, or leaving a restaurant if they are impolite may be required to instill such respectful behaviors. On the other end of the spectrum, when a child can use manners on their own without being reminded, praise should be given to reinforce such good behaviors. Rid of rudeness: Although it may be normal for siblings to argue, it’s important to teach children to communicate with respect. Instead of name-calling or using physical forms of anger, it’s vital to teach children how to appropriately express their emotions. According to parenting experts, if a child seems upset and is lashing out, instead of letting them scream or kick, ask them what’s going on, why they are upset and acknowledge their emotions so they know they are being heard.   This may seem like an impossible task in the midst of a tantrum, but the earlier they are taught to talk about their emotions, the better they will be at dealing with emotions as a teen and adult. This will lead to a greater likelihood of self-respect and respect for others over time. Teach children how to listen: Listening is an important skill for everyone but is especially important to teach at a young age. It will not only teach children to respect the people they are communicating with but will also teach them patience and can help them to use this skill to improve their learning in school.   Listening is important for showing children that other people besides themselves deserve to be heard and that the conservation, and world, does not revolve around them. Establish rules: Being a parent is not about being friends with your child, but setting rules and boundaries that will help them flourish into healthy and responsible adults.   When establishing such rules, be sure that you and any co-parent or guardian is on the same page, since inconsistent rules can lead to confusion in the child and will not be effective. Be a good role model: When a rule is broken, it’s important that you discipline in a respectful way and tone since children will imitate and absorb just about everything that you do. Be firm without shouting or cursing. This will show children how to properly express their emotions. Also, try not to disrespect yourself or others in front of your child.   If they hear you put yourself down or gossip about others, then anything you taught them about respect before will go right out the window. Exhibit confidence without arrogance and you can, in turn, teach your child self-respect. This can come in handy in their relationships with others as well as at work and in team situations.

Take home message  

By teaching respect to children and showing them how to respect themselves and others, they will be less likely to engage in behaviors that could be harmful to their physical and mental well-being. Therefore, start earning respect from your children and teaching respect as soon as possible to start putting your child on the right path to a healthy and happy life.  

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